Create an automation to automatically create deals

💡 Good to know
Only Sales Platform Pro users can have more than 50 open deals at a time. You will not be able to create new deals on a Free plan if you reach that limit.

In Brevo, you can easily automate the creation of deals using an automation that includes the Create a deal step. Automating the creation of deals can help you streamline your sales processes, reduce errors, and improve collaboration. It also reduces the need for manual data entry and other repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on high-value tasks requiring your expertise and judgment.

Popular automation examples

💯 Lead scoring

Use in addition to a lead scoring model to automatically create a new deal when a contact reaches a specific score.

👤 Contact submits a form

Automatically create a deal when a contact submits a form (A contact submits a form trigger).

🔄 Renewals

Automatically create a deal when the subscription or contract renewal date of a contact is near (Anniversary trigger).

💡 Good to know
The renewal date needs to be stored as a contact attribute.
🤝 Meeting booked

Automatically create a deal when someone books a meeting with you through Meetings (An event happens trigger).

❗️ Important
To be able to use custom events related to actions on Brevo, the actions first need to be performed. In our case, to be able to use the Meeting booked, someone needs to book a meeting with you first.


Good to know

It is not currently possible to automatically update a deal attribute using an automation. If you want to update an attribute, such as "Lead source", we recommend adding it as a contact attribute instead of a deal attribute. You can then update it by adding the Update contact attribute step to your automation before or after the Create a deal step.

Before you start

  • Make sure you have created your pipelines and set up your deal stages. Learn more in our dedicated article Create and manage multiple pipelines.
  • Make sure you have created any contact attribute, list, form, or segment you'd like to use in the automation. If you want to use the Website activity entry points, make sure you have connected your website to Brevo using a plugin or the Brevo Tracker.

1️⃣ Create your automation

  1. Go to Automations.
  2. Click Create an automation.
  3. Select a predefined automation or create a custom one:
    1. Predefined automation: select an automation and click Use this automation.
    2. Custom automation: click Custom automation.

2️⃣ Set up your automation

Custom automation Predefined automation


  1. Give a name to your automation.
  2. Optional: Add a description.
  3. Optional: If you want to allow your contacts to enter the automation multiple times and create a new deal each time, enable the Allow your contacts to enter the automation more than once option.
    ➡️  For example
    You could allow a contact to enter your automation more than once so that a deal is automatically created every time their contract renewal date is near.
  4. Click Create automation.
  5. Add the entry point of your automation.
  6. Optional: Add any steps you'd like your contacts to go through before reaching the Create a deal step.

3️⃣ Optional: Assign the deal to a specific user or use a rotation

❗️ Important
By default, the deals will be assigned to the owner of the contact who entered the automation.

Add the Assign a user to the contact step

To assign the deal to another user or to use a rotation, add the Assign a user to the contact step before the Create a deal step:

  1. Click + to add a new step to your automation.
  2. Select Perform a CRM action > Assign a user to the contact.

Select a user or rotation

Assign to a specific contact Use a rotation
  1. Select Assign a single user.
  2. Select a user from your organization.
  3. Click OK.

The deals created through this automation will be assigned to this specific user.

4️⃣ Add the "Create a deal" step

  1. Click + to add a new step to your automation.
  2. Select Perform a CRM action > Create a deal.
  3. Set up how your deal should be created:
    1. Deal name: by default, the name of the deals will be the first name, last name, email address, or phone number of the contact.
    2. Add custom text to deal name: add custom text to the name of the deals to easily recognize the deals created through this automation.
      ➡️  For example
      If you create an automation to create a new deal when a contact submits a form, you could add the custom text "Form submitted" to the deal name. If a new lead named John Smith entered the automation, a deal named "Form submitted John Smith" would be created.
    3. Pipeline: choose to which pipeline the deals should be added.
    4. Deal stage: choose to which deal stage the deals should be added.
    5. Assignment: by default, the deals will be assigned to the owner of the contact who entered the automation.
      ❗️ Important
      To assign the deal to another user, add the Assign a user to the contact step before the Create a deal step as explained in 3️⃣ (Optional) Assign the deal to a specific user or use a rotation.
    6. Follow-up task: choose if you want to automatically create a to-do task to follow up on the deal and select a due date and duration. The to-do task will be assigned to the owner of the contact.
  4. Click ✔️ OK.
  5. Optional: Add any steps you'd like your contacts to go through after reaching the Create a deal step.

4️⃣ Activate your automation

❗️ Important
We recommend you test your automation before activating it.

Once you're done creating the automation, click Activate the automation. Now, any contact who matches the entry point will enter and go through the steps of the automation. A new deal will be created automatically when they reach the Create a deal step.

⏩ What's next?

🤔 Have a question?

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