Google Sheets: integrate your new contacts

It is very easy to integrate Google Sheets with Brevo using Zapier. Zapier is designed to connect apps and actions. More specifically, every time you add a new contact to a Google Sheet spreadsheet, it will automatically be added to Brevo.

Easy to set up in just a few steps:

  1. Log in to Zapier or create a new account
  2. Click here to access our pre-configured Zap and click Try it
  3. Choose account :
    1. Link your Google Sheets account to Zappier by clicking Sign into Google Sheet in the pre-configured Zap you have just opened and follow the steps to log in
    2. After logging in, click Continue
  4. Set up trigger :
    1. Select your Google Sheet spreadsheet in Spreadsheet. You can search for your Google Sheet spreadsheet in the Spreadsheet tab
    2. Select your worksheet in Worksheet
    3. Click Continue
  5. Test trigger :
    1. Before testing your trigger, make sure you have filled in at least one line of your Google Sheet file
    2. Click Test trigger to test your file.
    3. If the test is positive, click Continue. If not, edit your file according to the error messages and try again
  6. Add or Update Contact in Brevo : This step is pre-filled, just click Continue
  7. Choose account
    1. Log in to Brevo by clicking Sign in to Brevo
    2. In the pop up window that appears, copy-paste the API key available here
    3. Click Continue
    4. Select your Brevo account in the drop-down list and click Continue
  8. Set up action
    1. In the Email field, select the attribute corresponding to the email address in Google Sheets
    2. In the Lists fields, select one or several lists in which you want to add your new contacts
    3. In the Update Type field, choose between Add and Reassign
      • Add - an existing Brevo contact will remain in all Brevo list(s) that they were already in and be added to the list(s) selected above
      • Reassign - an existing Brevo contact will be removed from all Brevo list(s) they were in and be added to the list(s) selected above
    4. You can also add other attributes in the Attributes fields: make sure to put the exact name of the Brevo attribute as it appears in Contacts, e.g. "NAME" and add the attribute of the corresponding appmceclip2.png
    5. Click Continue.
  9. Test Action :
    1. You can test your connection by clicking Test Action
    2. After you receive a confirmation, click Turn on Zap

❗️ Important
Zapier only allows to add new contacts between 2 apps once the Zap is activated. It does not allow to import all previous contacts.

Note: you can also create your own Zaps on Zapier. If you want another pre-configured Zap, feel free to contact our support team by creating a ticket from your account.

🤔 Have a question?

If you have a question, feel free to contact our support team by creating a ticket from your account. If you don't have an account yet, you can contact us here.

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