From your Admin account, you can easily create sub-organizations and allocate monthly credits for emails, SMS, WhatsApp, landing pages, and users to each of them.
Create a sub-organization
When creating a sub-organization, you get to define its general settings, apps, and usage limitations.
To create a sub-organization from an Admin account:
- Log into your Admin account.
- From the homepage, click Add sub-organization.
Step 1: General settings
Define the profile details and general settings of your sub-organization.
- Account name: enter the name of the sub-organization.
- Select a sub-organization group. To learn more, check the next section.
- Email: enter the email address of the main user of the sub-organization.
- Language: select the language of the sub-organization.
- Timezone: select the timezone of the sub-organization.
- Click Continue.
The sub-organization has been created. You can now enable the apps for the sub-organization.
Step 2: Apps
Choose which apps are enabled for your sub-organization. You can always manage which apps are enabled later. To learn more, check our dedicated article Manage the apps for your sub-organizations.
- Toggle the apps you want to enable for this sub-organization.
- Click Continue.
Step 3: Consumption limitations
Set the limitations for users and emails for your sub-organization.
- Define the number of users for that sub-organization.
- For emails, use the slider to define the number of credits you want to allocate to the sub-organization.
- For SMS, enter the number of credits you want to allocate to the sub-organization in the Monthly SMS volume field. Click Estimate credits to estimate how many credits you need depending on the destination and the number of messages you send monthly.
- For WhatsApp, enter the number of credits you want to allocate to the sub-organization in the Monthly WhatsApp volume field.
- For landing pages, use the buttons to define the number of landing pages you want to allocate to the sub-organization.
- Toggle Push to enable unlimited push sending.
You can always change the usage limitation later. To learn more, check our dedicated article Edit the usage limitations allocated to a sub-organization.
Create a sub-organization group
You can gather sub-organizations in groups to organize them. You assign sub-organization groups to admin users so they can only manage the sub-organizations in these groups.
- Go to Groups.
- Click + Create a group.
- Give a name to the group.
- Select the sub-organizations you want to add to the group in the dropdown list.
- Click Add.
You can then:
- Click the pen and sheet icon next to the group name to edit the sub-organizations group.
- Click the cross next to the group name to delete the sub-organizations group. The sub-organizations within the group will not be deleted.
- Assign an admin user to the sub-organization group. To learn more, check our dedicated article Add and manage users from your Admin account.
The overview on the homepage shows:
- The number of sub-organizations you have added / The number of sub-organizations included in your plan
- The number of users you have added / The number of users included in your plan
- The number of emails sent / The number of emails included in your plan
- The number of SMS credits used / The number of SMS credits included in your plan
- The number of WhatsApp credits used / The number of WhatsApp credits included in your plan
- The number of Push sent / The number of Push included in your plan
- The number of landing pages used / The number of landing pages included in your plan
If you have set no limitation on the number of sub-organizations, users, emails sent, landing pages, SMS credits, or WhatsApp credits used, you can also see the eventual overages.
⏭️ What's next?
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