Set up a Contact form bot - Part 2: Customize the contact form fields

We've created a series of articles to help you discover the Contact form feature in Conversations. In this article, we will help you set up the fields to which your visitors will have to answer in your contact form.

Good to know

  • The First name, Last name, E-mail, and Phone Number fields are by default fields and their names cannot be edited. 

Customize contact form fields 

When enabled, the contact form bot displays a series of questions such as name and e-mail to your visitors after they sent their first message. Choose which information you would like your visitors to fill in from the Form fields section.
To customize your contact form, you can:
  • Select from the list of fields the ones you would like your visitors to fill in or click + Create a new contact attribute. In the Field name field, enter a name for each field that will be visible to your visitors.
    ❗️ Important
    If you chose to have different support languages, remember to update the Field name field in all languages by clicking on the tabs at the top of it. Default fields are already translated.
    Those fields correspond to the contact attributes you defined in Contacts > Settings > Contact attributes. Note that only "text" type contact attributes can be used. Your visitors' details are automatically synchronized in your contact lists when they fill in the contact form. 
  • Drag and drop the fields to rearrange them in any order you like. 
  • Click Delete to remove a field from your contact form.
  • Check the Required field box to make a field mandatory.
    💡 Good to know
    If you check the Required field box for the E-mail field, the default afterForm_email bot phrase is displayed to your visitors in the chat widget. If not, the default afterForm bot phrase is displayed. For more information on bot phrases and how to edit them, go to Customize Bot phrases.

⏩ What's next?

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