Use Zapier to automatically add or update your new contacts in Brevo


Migrating your contacts from one app to another can be tedious, and you may need some time to set up Brevo before you fully migrate. Losing important contact data would be detrimental to your business.

An easy way to migrate smoothly from your previous app to Brevo is to use one of our plugins or direct integrations available in our App Store.

If no integration is available, we recommend you use Zapier to help you connect your previous app and add or update new contacts to your Brevo account automatically. It also allows you to update your contact information in Brevo. No more data loss!

Good to know

  • This article is a specific procedure for creating a Zap to add or update new contacts into Brevo. If you want more general information about how to create a Zap to integrate an app with Brevo, check our dedicated article about using Zapier to integrate an app with Brevo.
  • Zapier only allows you to add or update new contacts once the Zap is activated. It does not allow you to import all your previous contacts. To import your previous contacts, we recommend you import them into Brevo before connecting your previous app using Zapier. To learn more, check our dedicated article Import contacts into Brevo.
  • For more information about how to use Zapier and create Zaps, we recommend you check Zapier's documentation.

Before you start

  • Create or log into your Zapier account. 
  • Log into your Brevo account and retrieve your API v3 key. To learn how to retrieve your API v3 key in Brevo, check our dedicated article about finding your API key.
  • Create contact attributes from the Contact Attributes page in Brevo to match the ones you used in your previous app. Contact attributes are the different information you have on your contacts, such as email, phone number, and date of birth. To learn more, check our dedicated article about the different types of contact attributes available in Brevo.
💡 Good to know
To help you understand how to set up a Zap to automatically add or update your new contacts to Brevo, we created a use case for illustration purposes that you can easily adapt to your needs: when a contact is added or updated in Mailchimp, they're also created or updated in Brevo.

Part 1: Use a pre-configured Zap or create your own

To add or update new contacts to Brevo, you can use one of our pre-configured Zaps. If your app is not on the list, we suggest you create your own Zap.

Use a pre-configured Zap Create your own Zap

To use one of our pre-configured Zaps:

  1. Click the link that corresponds to your app:
  2. Click Try this template to continue setting up the Zap.

Part 2: Set up the trigger

You first need to connect Zapier to your previous app to allow the recovery of your contacts data:

  1. Click the trigger block to start the account setup. 
  2. In the App & event section, choose the event that you want to use to start the Zap.
    • New Subscriber: only add new contacts to your Brevo account
    • New or Updated Subscriber: add new contacts and update your contacts' information in Brevo when updated in your previous app.
  3. In the Choose account section:
    1. If you're not connected yet, click Sign in to connect to your app and follow the instructions provided by Zapier.
    2. If you're already connected, select the account that you want to use.
  4. In the Trigger section, provide more information about the trigger you want to use to start the Zap.
  5. In the Test section, click Test trigger. Zapier will attempt to find a recent contact from your app to use in the Zap.
  6. If the data is correct, click Continue to set up the action.

Part 3: Set up the Brevo action

Now that Zapier can retrieve your data, the action block automatically opens. You need to connect your Brevo account to automatically transfer your data to the desired Brevo list and set up the action that you want to perform: 

  1. In the App & event section, select Add or Update Contact.
  2. In the Choose account section:
    1. If you're not connected yet, click Sign in to connect to Brevo and paste your Brevo API v3 key in the field. To lxearn how to retrieve your API v3 key in Brevo, check our dedicated article Create or delete an API key.
    2. If you're already connected, select the Brevo account that you want to use.
  3. In the Action section: 
    1. In the Email field, choose the data field that corresponds to the email address of your contacts. The email address field will be synchronized with the Brevo email attribute. 
    2. In the Lists field, choose the Brevo lists to which you want your contacts to be added. 
    3. In the Update Type field, you can either choose to:
      • Add your existing Brevo contacts to the lists you previously chose, or
      • Remove them from your Brevo lists and reassign them to the lists you chose above.
    4. In the Attributes field, map your Brevo attributes with your data fields. In the left column, type the Brevo attributes you want to synchronize in uppercase, and in the right column, choose the corresponding data field. Click + to map more attributes.
  4. In the Test section, click Test action. Zapier attempts to find a recent contact from your app and sums up the information that will be synchronized to your Brevo account according to the action you just set up.
    💡 Good to know
    If you have a free Zapier plan, you have to wait 15 minutes for your Brevo contact database to be updated. Only Zapier's paid plans allow for updates in 1 to 2 minutes. 
  5. Check your Contacts page in Brevo to see if your sample contact was correctly synchronized.
  6. If the sample contact has correctly been added to your Brevo account, click Publish to allow all your new contacts to be added to your Brevo account. 

Congratulations, you've successfully created a Zap to automatically add or update your new contacts to Brevo! 🚀 

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