Authenticate your domain with Brevo (Brevo code, DKIM record, DMARC record)

In this article, we’ll explain how to authenticate your domain. You can do this manually, automatically, or by forwarding the instructions to someone else, such as an IT team member in your organization.

Why should I authenticate my domain?

Authenticating your domain helps ensure that your emails are genuinely from you or your organization, reducing the risk of spam, phishing, and other malicious activities. This simple step helps protect your online reputation and increase trust from recipients. It is also mandatory to be compliant with Gmail and Yahoo's requirements for email senders.

➡️ To learn more, check our dedicated article What is domain authentication? (Brevo code, DKIM record, DMARC record).

Step 1. Add your domain to Brevo

To authenticate your domain, you first need to add your domain to Brevo:

  1. In Brevo, click the account dropdown and go to Senders, Domains, and Dedicated IPs > Domains.
  2. Click Add a domain. If your domain already appears on the page, click Authenticate next to it instead.
  3. Enter your domain name in the Domain name field. This is usually the part of your email address that comes after the "@" symbol and is linked to your website.
  4. Click Add domain.

Step 2. Authenticate your domain (Brevo code, DKIM record, DMARC record)

Depending on your domain host, you'll have two or three options available to authenticate your domain. Select the one that you want to use:

Option 1: 🤖 Authenticate the domain automatically

💡 Good to know
This option appears only for supported domain hosts.

Brevo uses Entri, our domain authentication partner, to help you add DNS records easily to your domain. When you select the option to authenticate your domain automatically, you then only need to log in to your domain host from Brevo. We will authenticate the domain for you in a few minutes.

📹 You can watch this short video to see how it works:

  1. Click Authenticate the domain automatically.
  2. Click Continue. A pop-up window appears.
  3. Click Continue. Brevo will automatically detect your domain host.
  4. Enter your domain host credentials.
  5. Click Continue. The DNS records needed to authenticate your domain will be automatically added to your domain host.
  6. (Optional) If you already have a DMARC record on your domain, you'll be asked if you want to replace it with Brevo's DMARC record. Click Okay, continue to replace it.
  7. The DNS records have been added to your domain host. From the confirmation page, click Back to domain listing.
  8. Check if your domain is authenticated:
    • If your domain is authenticated, the status next to your domain name will show as Authenticated. You're done!
    • If your domain is not authenticated, the status next to your domain name will show as Not authenticated. Since full authentication can take up to 48 hours, you can try re-verifying periodically by clicking View Configuration and then Authenticate this email domain at the bottom of the page.

      💡 Good to know
      If your domain is still not authenticated after 48 hours, check our help article Troubleshooting issues with domain authentication or contact our support team for help.

Option 2: ✍️ Authenticate the domain yourself

When authenticating the domain yourself, you will have to copy and paste several values provided by Brevo (Brevo code, DKIM record, DMARC record) into your domain host account. These values are called DNS records. Then you’ll need to verify if your domain is authenticated in Brevo.

Note that based on the creation date of your Brevo account, the interface may differ and display either three or four values:


Step 1: Add the Brevo code, DKIM record, DMARC record in your domain host account

💡 Good to know
Some steps of this process occur directly within your domain host account, separate from Brevo. Make sure you keep this page open, as you will need to refer back to it several times during this process.

Use the dropdowns below to find step-by-step instructions on adding these values to your domain host. If your domain host isn't listed, find generic instructions in the Other dropdown at the bottom ⬇️.

Amazon Route 53
❗️ Important
Amazon Route 53 doesn't allow adding a record with the same type and name twice. If you have to add an extra record with the same type and name as another, enter the value of the extra record on a separate line below the first record.

To authenticate your domain in Amazon Route 53:

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and log in to your Amazon Web Services account.
  2. Open the Route 53 console.
  3. In the left-side panel, select Hosted zones. This is where you'll add your DNS records.
  4. Select the domain you want to authenticate.

Add the Brevo code

  1. In Amazon Route 53, click Create record.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code name next to the Record name field and paste it into the Record name field in Amazon Route 53, or leave the field empty if instructed to do so.
  3. In Amazon Route 53, select TXT from the Record type dropdown.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code value from the Value field and paste it into the Value field in Amazon Route 53.
  5. In Amazon Route 53, leave the TTL and Routing policy fields as is.
  6. In Amazon Route 53, click Create record.

Add the DKIM record

You'll repeat the same process for the DKIM record. Based on the creation date of your Brevo account, the interface may differ. To view the relevant instructions for your account, select the tab under the table that corresponds to the type of DKIM records displayed on your screen.

DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type
authenticate_2-dkim-cname_en-us.png authenticate_1-dkim-txt_en-us.png
DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type

Add two DKIM records of CNAME type:

DKIM 1 record

  1. In Amazon Route 53, click Create record.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record name next to the Record name field and paste it into the Record name field in Amazon Route 53.
  3. In Amazon Route 53, select CNAME from the Record type dropdown.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in Amazon Route 53.
    aws_dkim-record (1).jpeg
  5. In Amazon Route 53, leave the TTL and Routing policy fields as they are.

  6. In Amazon Route 53, click Create record.

DKIM 2 record

  1. In Amazon Route 53, click Create record.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record name next to the Record name field and paste it into the Record name field in Amazon Route 53.
  3. In Amazon Route 53, select CNAME from the Record type dropdown.
  4. In Brevo, copy Copy DKIM 2 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in Amazon Route 53.
    aws_dkim2-record_en-us copy.jpeg
  5. In Amazon Route 53, leave the TTL and Routing policy fields as they are.

  6. In Amazon Route 53, click Create record.

Add the DMARC record

You'll repeat the same process for the DMARC record:

  1. In Amazon Route 53, click Create record.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record name next to the Record name field and paste it into the Record name field in Amazon Route 53.
  3. In Amazon Route 53, select TXT from the Record type dropdown.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in Amazon Route 53.
    aws_dmarc-record (1).jpg
  5. In Amazon Route 53, leave the TTL and Routing policy fields as is.

  6. In Amazon Route 53, click Create record.

You have added the values for the Brevo code, DKIM record, and DMARC record. Now, verify if your domain is authenticated in the next section.


To authenticate your domain in Amen:

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and log in to your Amen account.
  2. Under Domaines (Domain), select the domain you want to authenticate.
  3. Select Domaines et DNS (Domains and DNS).
  4. Select Configuration DNS (DNS configuration).
  5. Go to the Gestion avancée (Advanced management) tab. This is where you'll add your DNS records.

Add the Brevo code

  1. In Amen, click Ajouter un enregistrement (Add a record).
  2. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code name next to the Name field and paste it into the Nom (Name) field in Amen.
  3. In Amen, select TXT.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code value from the Value field and paste it into the Valeur (Value) field in Amen.
  5. In Amen, leave the Type/Valeur par défaut (Type/Default value) field as is.
  6. In Amen, click Valider (Confirm).

Add the DKIM record

You'll repeat the same process for the DKIM record. Based on the creation date of your Brevo account, the interface may differ. To view the relevant instructions for your account, select the tab under the table that corresponds to the type of DKIM records displayed on your screen.

DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type
authenticate_2-dkim-cname_en-us.png authenticate_1-dkim-txt_en-us.png
DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type

Add two DKIM records of CNAME type:

DKIM 1 record

  1. In Amen, click Ajouter un enregistrement (Add a record).
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record name next to the Name field and paste it into the Nom (Name) field in Amen.
  3. In Amen, select CNAME.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Valeur (Value) field in Amen.
  5. In Amen, leave the Type/Valeur par défaut (Type/Default value) field as is.
  6. In Amen, click Valider (Confirm).

DKIM 2 record

  1. In Amen, click Ajouter un enregistrement (Add a record).
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record name next to the Name field and paste it into the Nom (Name) field in Amen.
  3. In Amen, select CNAME.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Valeur (Value) field in Amen.
  5. In Amen, leave the Type/Valeur par défaut (Type/Default value) field as is.
  6. In Amen, click Valider (Confirm).

Add the DMARC record

You'll repeat the same process for the DMARC record:

  1. In Amen, click Ajouter un enregistrement (Add a record).
  2. In Brevo, click Copy the DMARC record name next to the Name field and paste it into the Nom (Name) field in Amen.
  3. In Amen, select TXT.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy the DMARC record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Valeur (Value) field in Amen.
  5. In Amen, leave the Type/Valeur par défaut (Type/Default value) field as is.
  6. In Amen, click Valider (Confirm).

You have added the values for the Brevo code, DKIM record, and DMARC record. Now, verify if your domain is authenticated in the next section.


To authenticate your domain in Bluehost:

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and log in to your Bluehost account.
  2. In the left-side panel, click Domains.
  3. At the bottom of the page, open the Advanced Tools dropdown.
  4. Next to Advanced DNS Records, click Manage. This is where you'll add your DNS records.
  5. (Optional) If a warning message is shown, click Continue.

Add the Brevo code

  1. In Bluehost, click + Add Record.
  2. In Bluehost, click TXT from the Type dropdown.
  3. In Brevo, locate the value in the Host Record field and select the same value from the Refers to dropdown in Bluehost. If the value isn't listed, select Other Hosts. Then, in Brevo, click Copy Brevo code host record and paste it into the Host Name field in Bluehost.

  4. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code TXT value next to the TXT value field and paste it into the TXT value field in Bluehost.
  5. In Bluehost, select 1 Hour from the TTL dropdown.
  6. In Bluehost, click Add.

Add the DKIM record

You'll repeat the same process for the DKIM record. Based on the creation date of your Brevo account, the interface may differ. To view the relevant instructions for your account, select the tab under the table that corresponds to the type of DKIM records displayed on your screen.

DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type
authenticate_2-dkim-cname_en-us.png authenticate_1-dkim-txt_en-us.png
DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type

Add two DKIM records of CNAME type:

DKIM 1 record

  1. In Bluehost, click + Add Record.
  2. In Bluehost, select CNAME from the Type dropdown.
  3. In Bluehost, select Other Host from the Refers to dropdown.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record host record next to the Host Record field and paste it into the Host Name field in Bluehost.
  5. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record TXT value next to the TXT Value field and paste it into the Alias to field in Bluehost.
  6. In Bluehost, select 1 Hour from the TTL dropdown.
  7. In Bluehost, click Add.

DKIM 2 record

  1. In Bluehost, click + Add Record.
  2. In Bluehost, select CNAME from the Type dropdown.
  3. In Bluehost, select Other Host from the Refers to dropdown.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record host record next to the Host Record field and paste it into the Host Name field in Bluehost.
  5. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record TXT value next to the TXT Value field and paste it into the Alias to field in Bluehost.
  6. In Bluehost, select 1 Hour from the TTL dropdown.
    bluehost_dkim-record copy.jpg
  7. In Bluehost, click Add.

Add the DMARC record

You'll repeat the same process for the DMARC record:

  1. Click + Add Record.
  2. From the Type dropdown, select TXT.
  3. From the Refers to dropdown, select Other Host.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record host record next to the Host Record field and paste it into the Host Name field in Bluehost.
  5. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record TXT value next to the TXT value field and paste it into the TXT value field in Bluehost.
  6. From the TTL dropdown, select 1 Hour.
  7. Click Add.

You have added the values for the Brevo code, DKIM record, and DMARC record. Now, verify if your domain is authenticated in the next section.


To authenticate your domain in Gandi:

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and log in to your Gandi account.
  2. In the left-side panel, select Domain.
  3. Select the domain you want to authenticate.
  4. Go to the DNS Records tab. This is where you'll add your DNS records.

Add the Brevo code

  1. In Gandi, click Add record.
  2. In Gandi, select TXT from the Type dropdown.
  3. In Gandi, leave the TTL and Unit fields as they are.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code name next to the Name field and paste it into the Name field in Gandi.
  5. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code text value next to the Text value field and paste it into the Text value field in Gandi.
  6. In Gandi, click Save.

Add the DKIM record

You'll repeat the same process for the DKIM record. Based on the creation date of your Brevo account, the interface may differ. To view the relevant instructions for your account, select the tab under the table that corresponds to the type of DKIM records displayed on your screen.

DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type
authenticate_2-dkim-cname_en-us.png authenticate_1-dkim-txt_en-us.png
DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type

Add two DKIM records of CNAME type:

DKIM 1 record

  1. Click Add record.
  2. From the Type dropdown, select CNAME.
  3. Leave the TTL and Unit fields as they are.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM record 1 name next to the Name field and paste it into the Name field in Gandi.
  5. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM record 1 text value next to the Text value field and paste it into the Hostname field in Gandi.
    gandi_dkim-record (1).jpg
  6. Click Save.

DKIM 2 record

  1. Click Add record.
  2. From the Type dropdown, select CNAME.
  3. Leave the TTL and Unit fields as they are.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM record 2 name next to the Name field and paste it into the Name field in Gandi.
  5. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM record 2 text value next to the Text value field and paste it into the Hostname field in Gandi.
  6. gandi_dkim-record2.jpeg
  7. Click Save.

Add the DMARC record

You'll repeat the same process for the DMARC record:

  1. Click Add record.
  2. From the Type dropdown, select TXT.
  3. Leave the TTL and Unit fields as they are.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record name next to the Name field and paste it into the Name field in Gandi.
  5. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record text value next to the Text value field and paste it into the Text value field in Gandi.
  6. Click Save.

You have added the values for the Brevo code, DKIM record, and DMARC record. Now, verify if your domain is authenticated in the next section.

💡 Good to know
The interface in the video is slightly different from our current interface, but the process remains the same.

To authenticate your domain in GoDaddy:

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and log in to your GoDaddy account. 
  2. Under All Products and Services, click DNS next to the domain you want to authenticate. This is where you'll add your DNS records.

Add the Brevo code

  1. In GoDaddy, click Add More Records.
  2. In GoDaddy, select TXT from the Type dropdown.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code name next to the Name field and paste it into the Name field in GoDaddy.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in GoDaddy.
  5. In GoDaddy, leave the TTL field as is.
  6. In GoDaddy, click Save.

Add the DKIM record

You'll repeat the same process for the DKIM record. Based on the creation date of your Brevo account, the interface may differ. To view the relevant instructions for your account, select the tab under the table that corresponds to the type of DKIM records displayed on your screen.

DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type
authenticate_2-dkim-cname_en-us.png authenticate_1-dkim-txt_en-us.png
DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type

Add two DKIM records of CNAME type:

DKIM 1 record

  1. In GoDaddy, click Add New Record.
  2. In GoDaddy, select CNAME from the Type dropdown.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record name next to the Name field and paste it into the Name field in GoDaddy.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in GoDaddy.
  5. In GoDaddy, leave the TTL field as is.
  6. In GoDaddy, click Save.

DKIM 2 record

  1. In GoDaddy, click Add New Record.
  2. In GoDaddy, select CNAME from the Type dropdown.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record name next to the Name field and paste it into the Name field in GoDaddy.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in GoDaddy.godaddy_dkim-record2.jpeg
  5. In GoDaddy, leave the TTL field as is.
  6. In GoDaddy, click Save.

Add the DMARC record

You'll repeat the same process for the DMARC record:

  1. In GoDaddy, click Add New Record.
  2. In GoDaddy, select TXT from the Type dropdown.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record name next to the Name field and paste it into the Name field in GoDaddy.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in GoDaddy.
  5. In GoDaddy, leave the TTL field as is.
  6. In GoDaddy, click Save.

You have added the values for the Brevo code, DKIM record, and DMARC record. Now, verify if your domain is authenticated in the next section.

Google Domains
❗️ Important
Google Domains doesn't allow adding a record with the same type and name twice. If you have to add an extra record with the same type and name as another, add it below the first one by clicking + Add more to this record and pasting the data in the new field.

To authenticate your domain in Google Domains:

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and log in to your Google Domains account.
  2. Click Manage next to the domain you want to authenticate.
  3. In the sidebar menu, select DNS.
  4. Go to the Custom resource records section at the bottom of the page. This is where you'll add your DNS records.

Add the Brevo code

  1. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code hostname next to the Host name field and paste it into the Name field in Google Domains.
  2. In Google Domains, select TXT from the Type dropdown.
  3. In Google Domains, leave the TTL field as is.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code data next to the Data field and paste it into the Data field in Google Domains.
    google-domains_brevo-code (1).jpg
  5. In Google Domains, click Add.

Add the DKIM record

You'll repeat the same process for the DKIM record. Based on the creation date of your Brevo account, the interface may differ. To view the relevant instructions for your account, select the tab under the table that corresponds to the type of DKIM records displayed on your screen.

DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type
authenticate_2-dkim-cname_en-us.png authenticate_1-dkim-txt_en-us.png
DKIM records of CNAME type  DKIM record of TXT type 

Add two DKIM records of CNAME type:

DKIM 1 record

  1. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record hostname next to the Host name field and paste it into the Host name field in Google Domains.
  2. In Google Domains, select CNAME from the Type dropdown.
  3. In Google Domains, leave the TTL field as is.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record data next to the Data field and paste it into the Data field in Google Domains.
    google-domains_dkim-record (1).jpg
  5. In Google Domains, click Save.

DKIM 2 record

  1. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record hostname next to the Host name field and paste it into the Host name field in Google Domains.
  2. In Google Domains, select CNAME from the Type dropdown.
  3. In Google Domains, leave the TTL field as is.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record data next to the Data field and paste it into the Data field in Google
  5. In Google Domains, click Save.

Add the DMARC record

You'll repeat the same process for the DMARC record:

  1. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record hostname next to the Host name field and paste it into the Host name field in Google Domains.
  2. In Google Domains, select TXT from the Type dropdown.
  3. In Google Domains, leave the TTL field as is.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record data next to the Data field and paste it into the Data field in Google Domains.
    google-domains_dmarc-record (1).jpg
  5. In Google Domains, click Save.

You have added the values for the Brevo code, DKIM record, and DMARC record. Now, verify if your domain is authenticated in the next section.


To authenticate your domain in Hostinger:

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and log in to your Hostinger account.
  2. Under Domain, click Manage next to the domain you want to authenticate.
  3. In the left-side panel, click DNS/Nameservers. This is where you'll add your DNS records.

Add the Brevo code

  1. In Hostinger, under Manage DNS records, select TXT from the Type dropdown.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code name next to the Name field and paste it into the Name field in Hostinger.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code TXT value next to the TXT value field and paste it into the TXT value field in Hostinger.
    hostinger_brevo-code (1).jpg
  4. In Hostinger, leave the TTL field as is.
  5. In Hostinger, click Add Record.

Add the DKIM record

You'll repeat the same process for the DKIM record. Based on the creation date of your Brevo account, the interface may differ. To view the relevant instructions for your account, select the tab under the table that corresponds to the type of DKIM records displayed on your screen.

DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type
authenticate_2-dkim-cname_en-us.png authenticate_1-dkim-txt_en-us.png
 DKIM records of CNAME type  DKIM record of TXT type

Add two DKIM records of CNAME type:

DKIM 1 record

  1. In Hostinger, under Manage DNS records, select CNAME from the Type dropdown.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record name next to the Name field and paste it into the Name field in Hostinger.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record TXT value next to the TXT value field and paste it into the TXT value field in Hostinger.
    hostinger_dkim-record (1).jpg
  4. In Hostinger, leave the TTL field as is.
  5. In Hostinger, click Add Record.

DKIM 2 record

  1. In Hostinger, under Manage DNS records, select CNAME from the Type dropdown.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record name next to the Name field and paste it into the Name field in Hostinger.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record TXT value next to the TXT value field and paste it into the TXT value field in Hostinger.hostinger_dkim-record (1) (1).jpg
  4. In Hostinger, leave the TTL field as is.
  5. In Hostinger, click Add Record.

Add the DMARC record

You'll repeat the same process for the DMARC record:

  1. In Hostinger, under Manage DNS records, select TXT from the Type dropdown.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM record name next to the Name field and paste it into the Name field in Hostinger.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM record data next to the TXT value field and paste it into the TXT value field in Hostinger.
    hostinger_dmarc-record (1).jpg
  4. In Hostinger, leave the TTL field as is.
  5. In Hostinger, click Add Record.

You have added the values for the Brevo code, DKIM record, and DMARC record. Now, verify if your domain is authenticated in the next section.


To authenticate your domain in IONOS:

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and log in to your IONOS account.
  2. Click Domains & SSL.
  3. Next to the domain you want to authenticate, click the ⚙️ gear icon and select DNS. This is where you'll add your DNS records.

Add the Brevo code

  1. Click Add record.
  2. Select TXT.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code hostname next to the Hostname field and paste it into the Host name field in IONOS.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in IONOS.
  5. Leave the TTL field as is.
  6. Click Save.

Add the DKIM record

You'll repeat the same process for the DKIM record. Based on the creation date of your Brevo account, the interface may differ. To view the relevant instructions for your account, select the tab under the table that corresponds to the type of DKIM records displayed on your screen.

DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type
authenticate_2-dkim-cname_en-us.png authenticate_1-dkim-txt_en-us.png
DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type

Add two DKIM records of CNAME type:

DKIM 1 record

  1. Click Add record.
  2. Select CNAME.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record hostname next to the Hostname field and paste it into the Host name field in IONOS.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Points to field in IONOS.
  5. Leave the TTL field as is.
  6. Click Save.

DKIM 2 record

  1. Click Add record.
  2. Select CNAME.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record hostname next to the Hostname field and paste it into the Host name field in IONOS.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Points to field in IONOS.ionos_DKIM-record (1).jpg
  5. Leave the TTL field as is.
  6. Click Save.

Add the DMARC record

You'll repeat the same process for the DMARC record:

  1. Click Add record.
  2. Select TXT.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record hostname next to the Hostname field and paste it into the Host name field in IONOS.
  4. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in IONOS.
  5. Leave the TTL field as is.
  6. Click Save.

You have added the values for the Brevo code, DKIM record, and DMARC record. Now, verify if your domain is authenticated in the next section.


To authenticate your domain in OVH:

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and log in to your OVH account.
  2. Go to the Web Cloud tab.
  3. In the left-side panel, under Domain names, select the domain you want to authenticate.
  4. Go to the DNS zone tab. This is where you'll add your DNS records.

Add the Brevo code

  1. On the right-hand side, click Add an entry.
  2. Select TXT.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code sub-domain next to the Sub-domain field and paste it into the Sub-domain field in OVH, or leave the field empty if instructed to do so.
  4. Leave the TTL field as is.
  5. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in OVH.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Verify your information and click Confirm.

Add the DKIM record

You'll repeat the same process for the DKIM record. Based on the creation date of your Brevo account, the interface may differ. To view the relevant instructions for your account, select the tab under the table that corresponds to the type of DKIM records displayed on your screen.

DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type
authenticate_2-dkim-cname_en-us.png authenticate_1-dkim-txt_en-us.png
DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type

Add two DKIM records of CNAME type:

DKIM 1 record

  1. On the right-hand side, click Add an entry.
  2. Select CNAME.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record sub-domain next to the Sub-domain field and paste it into the Sub-domain field in OVH.
  4. Leave the TTL field as is.
  5. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Target field in OVH.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Verify your information and click Confirm.

DKIM 2 record

  1. On the right-hand side, click Add an entry.
  2. Select CNAME.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record sub-domain next to the Sub-domain field and paste it into the Sub-domain field in OVH.
  4. Leave the TTL field as is.
  5. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Target field in OVH.ovh_dkim-record copy.jpg
  6. Click Next.
  7. Verify your information and click Confirm.

Add the DMARC record

You'll repeat the same process for the DMARC record:

  1. On the right-hand side, click Add an entry.
  2. Select TXT.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record sub-domain next to the Sub-domain field and paste it into the Sub-domain field in OVH.
  4. Leave the TTL field as is.
  5. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in OVH.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Verify your information and click Confirm.

You have added the values for the Brevo code, DKIM record, and DMARC record. Now, verify if your domain is authenticated in the next section.


To authenticate your domain on Wix:

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and log in to your Wix account.
  2. Click your account dropdown and select Domains.
  3. Next to the domain you want to authenticate, click the three dots icon and select Manage DNS records. This is where you'll add your DNS records.

Add the Brevo code

  1. Under TXT (Text), click + Add Record.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code host name next to the Host name field and paste it into the Host name field in Wix, or leave the field empty if instructed to do so.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in Wix.
  4. Leave the TTL field as is.
  5. Click Save.

Add the DKIM record

You'll repeat the same process for the DKIM record. Based on the creation date of your Brevo account, the interface may differ. To view the relevant instructions for your account, select the tab under the table that corresponds to the type of DKIM records displayed on your screen.

DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type
authenticate_2-dkim-cname_en-us.png authenticate_1-dkim-txt_en-us.png
DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type

Add two DKIM records of CNAME type:

DKIM 1 record

  1. Under CNAME (Aliases), click + Add Record.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record host name next to the Host name field and paste it into the Host name field in Wix.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in Wix.
  4. Leave the TTL field as is.
  5. Click Save.

DKIM 2 record

  1. Under CNAME (Aliases), click + Add Record.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record host name next to the Host name field and paste it into the Host name field in Wix.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in Wix.wix_dkim-record copy.jpg
  4. Leave the TTL field as is.
  5. Click Save.

Add the DMARC record

You'll repeat the same process for the DMARC record:

  1. Under TXT (Text), click + Add Record.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record host name next to the Host name field and paste it into the Host name field in Wix.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record value next to the Value field and paste it into the Value field in Wix.
  4. Leave the TTL field as is.
  5. Click Save.

You have added the values for the Brevo code, DKIM record, and DMARC record. Now, verify if your domain is authenticated in the next section.

❗️ Important
The values provided below may vary depending on your specific domain host. If you encounter issues while authenticating your domain, we suggest contacting your domain host's support team for assistance to clarify the required format. If you're unsure what your domain host is, check our dedicated article Identify your domain host.

To authenticate your domain:

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and log in to your domain host account.
  2. From your domain host account, go to the page where you can find the DNS records of the domain you want to authenticate. 

Add the Brevo code

  1. Create a new DNS record of TXT type.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code name next to the Hostname field and paste it into the corresponding field of your domain host.
    ❗️ Important

    If your domain host does not support this value, try entering "@", your domain name, or leaving the field blank.

  3. In Brevo, click Copy Brevo code value next to the Data field and paste it into the corresponding field of your domain host.
  4. Save your DNS record.

Add the DKIM record

You'll repeat the same process for the DKIM record. Based on the creation date of your Brevo account, the interface may differ. To view the relevant instructions for your account, select the tab under the table that corresponds to the type of DKIM records displayed on your screen.

DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type
authenticate_2-dkim-cname_en-us.png authenticate_1-dkim-txt_en-us.png
DKIM records of CNAME type DKIM record of TXT type

Add two DKIM records of CNAME type:

DKIM 1 record

  1. Create a new DNS record of CNAME type.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record name next to the Name field and paste it into the corresponding field of your domain host.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 1 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the corresponding field of your domain host.
  4. Save your DNS record.

DKIM 2 record

  1. Create a new DNS record of CNAME type.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record name next to the Name field and paste it into the corresponding field of your domain host.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DKIM 2 record value next to the Value field and paste it into the corresponding field of your domain host.authenticate_new_other_dkim2_en-us.jpeg
  4. Save your DNS record.

Add the DMARC record

You'll repeat the same process for the DMARC record:

  1. Create a new DNS record of TXT type.
  2. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record name next to the Hostname field and paste it into the corresponding field of your domain host.
  3. In Brevo, click Copy DMARC record value next to the Data field and paste it into the corresponding field of your domain host.
  4. Save your DNS record.

You have added the values for the Brevo code, DKIM record, and DMARC record. Now, verify if your domain is authenticated in the next section.

Step 2: Verify if your domain is authenticated

You'll now verify if your domain is authenticated. Note that it may take up to 48 hours for your domain to appear as authenticated in Brevo. This delay is due to the time it can take for the DNS records you've added to propagate and be fully applied.

To verify if your domain is authenticated:

  1. In Brevo, click Authenticate this email domain at the bottom of the page displaying the DNS records.
    authenticate_new_verify_en-us (1) (1) (1).jpeg
  2. Check if your domain is authenticated:
    • If your domain is authenticated, you will be redirected to the Domains page, where the status next to your domain name will show as Authenticated. You're done!
    • If your domain is not authenticated, a popup window will appear saying "The domain is not authenticated yet". Since it can take up to 48 hours for your domain to be fully authenticated, try re-verifying by clicking the Authenticate this email domain button periodically during that time.
      💡 Good to know
      If your domain is still not authenticated after 48 hours, check our help article Troubleshooting issues with domain authentication or contact our support team for help.

Option 3: 🤝 Ask someone else to authenticate the domain for you

💡 Good to know
The person you are sending the request to doesn't need to have a Brevo account to authenticate the domain.

If you're unfamiliar with domain authentication or don't have access to the domain host, you can ask someone, such as an IT specialist, to manually authenticate the domain for you.

  1. Enter the email address of the person you want to ask to authenticate the domain.
  2. Click Send request.

An email has been sent to the email address you provided, explaining why it was sent and who requested their assistance. The email also includes a button to access the DNS records required to authenticate your domain.

FAQs - Domain authentication

Why do I see two CNAME records for DKIM instead of one TXT record?

Having two CNAME records for DKIM provides a more secure way to authenticate your domain. CNAME records delegate control to a trusted service, which reduces the risk of tampering. Additionally, using two CNAME records allows Brevo to rotate keys periodically, with no action required from you, and improves email security.

How can I switch from one TXT record to two CNAME records for DKIM?

To switch to two CNAME records for DKIM, contact our support team by creating a ticket from your account.

I've authenticated my domain but it still appears as "Not authenticated" or I see a red cross ❌ under my DNS records in Brevo. What should I do?

When you authenticate your domain, it can take up to 48 hours for the changes to be fully applied. Note that Brevo has no control over this process and cannot speed it up.

If it's been less than 48 hours since you authenticated your domain:

  1. In Brevo, click the account dropdown and go to Senders, Domains, and Dedicated IPs > Domains.
  2. Click Authenticate next to the domain you authenticated.

  3. Select Authenticate the domain yourself.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Click Authenticate this email domain at the bottom of the page.

You can repeat this process a few times in the next 48 hours. If your domain still does not appear as authenticated after 48 hours, check our troubleshooting article Troubleshooting issues with domain authentication or contact our support team for help.

Which domain should I authenticate?

You should authenticate the domain or subdomain that you use for sending emails through Brevo. This domain or subdomain is called the "sender domain". For example, if you use the email address to send your emails, you should authenticate the domain If you use multiple domains or subdomains to send emails, you should authenticate each of them.

My domain has already been authenticated in another Brevo account. Should I authenticate it again?

If you’ve already authenticated your domain in another Brevo account, simply complete Step 1. Add your domain to Brevo, and your domain will automatically be marked as authenticated.

It says my DMARC record is missing a rua tag. What should I do?

To comply with Gmail and Yahoo's requirements for email senders, your domain should have one DMARC record with a rua tag. If your domain already has a DMARC record but lacks a rua tag, you’ll need to update the record by adding Brevo's rua tag at the end.

  1. Open a new tab in your web browser and log in to your domain host account.
  2. Navigate to the section where you can manage the DNS records for the domain you want to authenticate.
  3. Locate and edit your existing DMARC record.
  4. In the DMARC record’s value field, add Brevo's rua tag at the end:
  5. Save your DMARC record.

Your DMARC record should now look like this:

v=DMARC1; p=none;

Do I need to add an SPF or MX record to authenticate my domain?

The SPF and MX records are not required to authenticate a domain. We only provide these records when setting up a dedicated IP.

Can I use a 2048-bit key (sib2k) for my DKIM record of TXT type?
💡 Good to know
By default, DKIM records of CNAME type use a 2048-bit key.

By default, DKIM records of TXT type use a 1024-bit DKIM key. If you want to use a 2048-bit DKIM key to enhance your email security, contact our support team to activate it for your account. Your 2048-bit DKIM key will then appear in your DNS records with a value starting with sib2k.

1024-bit DKIM key (default) 2048-bit DKIM key
authenticate_troubleshooting_1024_en-us.png authenticate_troubleshooting_2048_en-us.png
❗️ Important

If you previously used the 1024-bit DKIM key to authenticate your domain, update your DKIM record in your domain host with the new value.

How to verify if my emails have been signed with DKIM?

Webmail services allow you to check if your email has been signed with your domain by reviewing your email headers and looking for the reference dkim=pass. If you need help finding your email headers, check our dedicated article How do I find email headers?.


In the above example from a Gmail email header, the reference dkim=pass confirms that the email is signed with the domain

Can I modify or delete the DNS records from my domain host once it is authenticated?

To ensure your emails are correctly sent, keep the DNS records as they are in your domain host as long as you are using Brevo to send emails. Modifying or deleting these DNS records may lead to email delivery problems or your emails being marked as spam.

⏭️ What's next?

🤔 Have a question?

If you have a question, feel free to contact our support team by creating a ticket from your account. If you don't have an account yet, you can contact us here.

If you’re looking for help with a project using Brevo, we can match you with the right certified Brevo expert partner.

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