🗺️ What are the supported countries for SMS?
With Brevo, you can send SMS messages to recipients in a large number of countries ⬇️.
🌏 List of supported countries
Country |
Country code |
Albania |
355 |
Algeria |
213 |
American Samoa |
1684 |
Andorra |
376 |
Angola |
244 |
Anguilla |
1264 |
Antigua and Barbuda |
1268 |
Argentina |
54 |
Armenia |
374 |
Aruba |
297 |
Australia |
61 |
Austria |
43 |
Azerbaijan |
994 |
Country |
Country code |
Cambodia |
855 |
Cameroon |
237 |
Canada |
1 |
Cayman Islands |
1345 |
Chad |
235 |
Chile |
56 |
China |
86 |
Colombia |
57 |
Comoros |
269 |
Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
243 |
Cook Islands |
682 |
Costa Rica |
506 |
Croatia |
385 |
Cyprus |
357 |
Czech Republic |
420 |
Country |
Country code |
East Timor |
670 |
Ecuador |
593 |
Egypt |
20 |
El Salvador |
503 |
Equatorial Guinea |
240 |
Estonia |
372 |
Eswatini |
268 |
Ethiopia |
251 |
Country |
Country code |
Gabon |
241 |
Gambia |
220 |
Georgia |
995 |
Germany |
49 |
Ghana |
233 |
Gibraltar |
350 |
Greece |
30 |
Greenland |
299 |
Grenada |
1473 |
Guadeloupe |
590 |
Guam |
1671 |
Guatemala |
502 |
Guinea-Bissau |
245 |
Guyana |
592 |
Country |
Country code |
Iceland |
354 |
India |
91 |
Indonesia |
62 |
Ireland |
353 |
Israel |
972 |
Italy |
39 |
Ivory Coast |
225 |
Country |
Country code |
Kenya |
254 |
Kosovo |
383 |
Kuwait |
965 |
Kyrgyzstan |
996 |
Country |
Country code |
Macau |
853 |
Macedonia |
389 |
Madagascar |
261 |
Malawi |
265 |
Malaysia |
60 |
Maldives |
960 |
Mali |
223 |
Malta |
356 |
Martinique |
596 |
Mauritania |
222 |
Mauritius |
230 |
Mayotte/La Réunion |
262 |
Mexico |
52 |
Moldova |
373 |
Monaco |
377 |
Mongolia |
976 |
Montenegro |
382 |
Montserrat |
1664 |
Morocco |
212 |
Mozambique |
258 |
Myanmar |
95 |
Country |
Country code |
Oman |
968 |
Country |
Country code |
Qatar |
974 |
Country |
Country code |
Saint Barthelemy |
590 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
1869 |
Saint Lucia |
1758 |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
508 |
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines |
1784 |
Samoa |
685 |
San Marino |
378 |
Saudi Arabia |
966 |
Senegal |
221 |
Serbia |
381 |
Seychelles |
248 |
Sierra Leone |
232 |
Singapore |
65 |
Slovakia |
421 |
Slovenia |
386 |
South Africa |
27 |
South Korea |
82 |
South Sudan |
211 |
Spain |
34 |
Sri Lanka |
94 |
Suriname |
597 |
Sweden |
46 |
Switzerland |
41 |
Country |
Country code |
Uganda |
256 |
Ukraine |
380 |
United Arab Emirates |
971 |
United Kingdom |
44 |
United States |
1 |
Uruguay |
598 |
Uzbekistan |
998 |
Country |
Country code |
Wallis and Futuna |
681 |
Country |
Country code |
Bahamas |
1 |
Bahrain |
973 |
Bangladesh |
880 |
Barbados |
1246 |
Belarus |
375 |
Belgium |
32 |
Belize |
501 |
Benin |
229 |
Bermuda |
1441 |
Bhutan |
975 |
Bolivia |
591 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
387 |
Botswana |
267 |
Brazil |
55 |
Brunei |
673 |
Bulgaria |
359 |
Burkina Faso |
226 |
Country |
Country code |
Denmark |
45 |
Djibouti |
253 |
Dominica |
1767 |
Dominican Republic |
1809 |
Country |
Country code |
Faroe Islands |
298 |
Fiji |
679 |
Finland |
358 |
France |
33 |
French Guiana |
594 |
French Polynesia |
689 |
Country |
Country code |
Haiti |
509 |
Honduras |
504 |
Hong Kong |
852 |
Hungary |
36 |
Country |
Country code |
Jamaica |
1 |
Japan |
81 |
Jordan |
962 |
Country |
Country code |
Laos |
856 |
Latvia |
371 |
Lebanon |
961 |
Lesotho |
266 |
Liberia |
231 |
Liechtenstein |
423 |
Lithuania |
370 |
Luxembourg |
352 |
Country |
Country code |
Namibia |
264 |
Nauru |
674 |
Nepal |
977 |
Netherlands |
31 |
New Caledonia |
687 |
New Zealand |
64 |
Nicaragua |
505 |
Niger |
227 |
Nigeria |
234 |
Norway |
47 |
Country |
Country code |
Pakistan |
92 |
Palau |
680 |
Palestinian Territory |
970 |
Panama |
507 |
Papua New Guinea |
675 |
Paraguay |
595 |
Peru |
51 |
Philippines |
63 |
Poland |
48 |
Portugal |
351 |
Puerto Rico |
1 |
Country |
Country code |
Romania |
40 |
Russia |
7 |
Rwanda |
250 |
Country |
Country code |
Taiwan |
886 |
Tajikistan |
992 |
Tanzania |
255 |
Thailand |
66 |
Togo |
228 |
Tonga |
676 |
Trinidad and Tobago |
1868 |
Tunisia |
216 |
Turkey |
90 |
Turkmenistan |
993 |
Turks and Caicos Islands |
1649 |
Country |
Country code |
Vanuatu |
678 |
Vietnam |
84 |
Virgin Islands, British |
1284 |
Virgin Islands, US |
1340 |
Country |
Country code |
Zambia |
260 |
To know the price of an SMS to the destination country, check our SMS pricing calculator.
💡 Good to know
If you want to send SMS messages to a country that is not on the list,
contact our support team by creating a ticket from your account.
💲How much do SMS credits cost?
Brevo doesn't offer an SMS plan. To send SMS messages, you need to buy SMS credits, which must be purchased in packs of 100 and never expire.
The cost to send one SMS varies based on the recipient's country. To send one SMS, you need to use multiple credits and the exact number depends on two factors:
- The country of the recipient.
- The number of characters in the SMS.
You can calculate the number of credits required to send your SMS messages directly from the Your account name > My Plan > SMS & WhatsApp messages page.
💡 Good to know
if you are based in the United States and registered for a toll-free number via Telenyx, you will be able to insert an image into your SMS campaign (MMS). The pricing of one MMS is the equivalent of 2.1 SMS credit. To learn more, check our dedicated article
Add an image to your SMS campaigns (MMS).
👛 How can I purchase SMS credits?
To purchase SMS credits, go to Your account name > My Plan > SMS & WhatsApp messages. To learn more, check our dedicated section in About add-ons or Pay as you go.
⚖️ Where can I check my SMS credit balance?
Your remaining SMS and WhatsApp credits are indicated in Usage and plan at the top-right of your screen:
🤔 Have a question?
If you have a question, feel free to contact our support team by creating a ticket from your account. If you don't have an account yet, you can contact us here.
If you’re looking for help with a project using Brevo, we can match you with the right certified Brevo expert partner.